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"Dialogue Shenzhen Bay" Phase 6 - How to Break Out under Economic Downward Pressure?
发布时间: 2019-01-04 浏览次数: 5760

At present, the world economic environment continues to deteriorate. How can our high-tech enterprises go against the trend and seek survival and development?


On the afternoon of January 2, the sixth issue of "Dialogue Shenzhen Bay", organized by Shenzhen Bay Forum, was held in the Shenzhen Bay Forum Presentation Hall on the sixth floor of 5D Building of the Software Industry Base. Yin Xingmin, professor, Ph.D. supervisor, deputy director of China Economic Research Center of Shanghai Fudan University, Yin Qiuming, professor of Shenzhen University, Liu Zijun, famous commentator on current affairs, economy and military affairs, Dr. Hu Shenghao, senior expert on strategic planning and group control, 18 experts and entrepreneurs, such as Wu Daoshen, founder of Xinzeyu Audio, Jia, Wan Market Research Co., Ltd., revolved around the "Classic of 2019" Under the background of increasing downward pressure of the economy, how high-tech enterprises should deal with the "topic launched a heated discussion. Wang Qihang, head of Shenzhen Bay Forum, and others participated in the discussion.




"Dialogue Shenzhen Bay" Phase 6 - How to Break Out under Economic Downward Pressure?

Enterprise's perplexity: how to heat in cold winter?

Firstly, Wu Daoshen, founder of Xin Zeyu Audio, demonstrated an AI audio function they produced. Simply input voice on demand information, intelligent audio will show on demand programs, on demand songs, on demand news, on demand movies and so on. Such a multi-functional AI product is also facing downward pressure and difficulties in the current market.


General Huazhong of a pharmaceutical company introduced that their enterprises mainly do medical consulting services, such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, what is the difference? Such a common-sense problem, many people now do not understand. In the past, we have been online and offline at the same time, and now the online click-through rate has exceeded 150,000 people, which has a greater impact. But in the past year, due to the deterioration of the macroeconomic environment, the speed of development of our business has slowly declined. At present, we are focusing on the development of social platforms such as headlines and tremolo, and we hope to break through the development of social platforms in the future.


General Manager Jia E of Ten Thousand People Market Survey Co., Ltd. introduced the development of their company. Their company is an investigative company which has been listed on the New Third Board. In the past, its business has developed rapidly, with an annual growth rate of 15-20%. Now, with the deterioration of the economic environment and the increasing labor costs, they are also introducing new technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data. For example, there were eight or nine links in the process from survey, data collation, data analysis to survey results. Now, after introducing new technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, there are four or five links in the process. In this way, in the face of difficulties, we have come out of a new road.


In addition, Lai Junyuan, Director of Science and Technology, Hu Zhendong, Director of Migration Company, Hao Xiaoling, Director of Haiyin Wealth and Li Zhenmin, Vice-President and Executive Secretary of Guangdong Brand Promotion Association, are the representatives of enterprises and industries. The development status and difficulties of their respective enterprises are also introduced.


Expert's answer: Be cautious! Look at the road! Transformation!


To this end, the experts sitting face to face gave the corresponding answers. Yin Xingmin, Professor of Economics, Doctoral Tutor and Vice Director of China Economic Research Center of Fudan University, pointed out that with the deterioration of the world economic environment and the increasing downward pressure of the economy, enterprises in all parts of China, especially high-tech enterprises, are facing many difficulties in their development. Therefore, our enterprises should have sufficient ideological preparation, long-term coping strategies, and seek breakthroughs and development in industrial transformation and technological innovation.


"Dialogue Shenzhen Bay" Phase 6 - How to Break Out under Economic Downward Pressure?

Liu Zijun, a well-known commentator on current affairs, economy and military affairs, Vice President of Shenzhen Association for the Promotion of National Defense Education, proposed that the international market environment continues to deteriorate due to Sino-US trade frictions. How long will this deterioration last?  The situation is still uncertain and there are many uncertainties. In this context, the development of our enterprises, we must learn to constantly observe, think, and change with the changing situation. It's dangerous not to pull the car, regardless of direction and result. In his view, 2019 is a key year, this year, the investment development of enterprises should be cautious and cautious, must not rush ahead!


"Dialogue Shenzhen Bay" Phase 6 - How to Break Out under Economic Downward Pressure?

Professor Yin Qiuming of Shenzhen University, Senior Expert of Strategic Planning and Group Management, Dr. Hu Shenghao, and well-known scholar of pedagogy, Wang Lizhong, have also expressed their views one after another. From all sides, it gives the development strategies for enterprises, and answers the puzzles of enterprise development.


"Dialogue Shenzhen Bay" Phase 6 - How to Break Out under Economic Downward Pressure?

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