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Wei Tianyu, Chairman of Mushroom Artificial Intelligence Co., Ltd. - AI Change Our Financial Life
发布时间: 2019-01-04 浏览次数: 7764

I am very glad to have the opportunity to share with you today the enterprise in the business world, because I am also in a continuous business, now Mushroom Intelligence is a start-up company. So, today we are mainly sharing some business opportunities in AI from the perspective of entrepreneurship.

Strategic Significance of Developing Artificial Intelligence

On October 31, Chairman Xi Jinping clearly pointed out that AI is an important driving force for the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change. Accelerating the development of a new generation of AI is a strategic issue concerning whether China can seize the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change. We should have a deep understanding of the great significance of accelerating the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence.


In fact, we want to think that the real starting point of human society and Chinese civilization is more than two hundred years. The first industrial revolution, the emergence of our steam engine, brought human society into the power age, the computer age. Later, from mobile Internet to artificial intelligence, the speed is getting faster and faster. It took more than a hundred years from the first industrial revolution to the second industrial revolution, and now the Internet has only lasted for more than ten years. Let's recall that when I first entered the bank 20 years ago, we pushed computerized accounting. We used to have an abacus, but now we have an abacus at home. Children have no idea what an abacus is. We have entered a new era.

AI Face Brushing Finance Safer
This is the whole industry chain of AI + finance. The first is that we will use biometric technology. We used to go to and from work as fingerprint recognition, but now we go to BAT to brush our faces and feel unpaid all the way.


Another is voice recognition, our HKUST News Flight, including many forums have a record, there used to be stenographers, now many courts, inspection institutes, stenographers have a copy, HKUST News Flight has a copy.


Another is the natural language. We have seen the death of a generation of Jinyong in the Grand Gorge. In the eight parts of Tianlong, Yang Guo and Xiaolong Nv are mentioned, and then in natural language, I want to live the life of children too. Can you understand that?


AI Customer Service Finance is More Efficient

About interactive learning, we asked in Baidu, which star was born in Brazil, can it answer you? It's certainly not difficult. If we use AI technology to build knowledge map and solve the problem of intelligent question answering, this question will not be difficult to answer.


A few days ago, my wife turned over my cell phone and saw me chatting with Wechat. Weixin's name is Xiaobin. My wife said you were pulling your sister. But this is not a real person. It's an artificial customer service. Now we hear a lot of harassment calls, which were originally made by intelligent customer service. Now a considerable part of the calls are made through AI voice system, by judging whether you are interested in outgoing call. The original electricity sales, wages of 3,4,000 yuan a month, if rejected very hurt. But AI won't hurt. When customers want it, the phone will be transferred to real salespeople and customer service to improve efficiency.


There are also public opinion analysis of natural language processing. Every day there are so many listed companies in China. Many data can be sorted out through natural language processing. The other is to analyze it financially.


There are also some stable presentation, do not need to do PPT, things can be generated, summarized, summarized. WeChat has Alipay and Alipay has sesame credit. Sesame credit has points. In general, when dating, I suggest that girls look at the sesame credit score of boys. If the score is less than 700, you don't have to consider it. Or look at the inside of Weichat. If Weichat doesn't even have micro-credit on it, it means it's a trumpet, so trumpet doesn't need to be chatted about.


In addition, we will brush tremble, brush out different, this piece has a precise positioning, that is, for the use of artificial intelligence and application space.

AI Change Financial Life

Next, let's talk about the financial industry. The financial industry has the following six aspects. In fact, if we see the outlets, we all know that it was very troublesome. Now when we go to the bank, you don't need the counter to handle ATM cards, put your ID cards on it, sweep your face, and the cards can be done.


The other is intelligent investment, which matches automatically. Now it's high-end buying, low-end meat-cutting selling, with smart investment will overturn this result.  In addition, intelligent research, in fact, financial information is particularly huge, if done through artificial analysts, it is particularly low. But artificial intelligence plus crawler technology, the amount of information is very large.


Insurance, recently in the circle of friends brushed, 3 yuan to buy insurance. In fact, through data, the actuary's work has been done, and human beings can do less and less work, basically by the computer. Now you don't need to take the card, just drive in and out.


The same is true for micro loans. First, what's the amount? Is the quota 3,5,000 or 35,000? This is smart credit.


And intelligent regulation. In the past, it was common to do farming, but now a little bit of movement and quiet has been laid down. Shenzhen Stock Exchange also has an intelligent R&D system to do this.

That's basically all I share with you today. I'll tell you a little about my personal feelings. In fact, a lot of times we come up with financial technology to subvert who, but my feeling may not be subverting who. Let's think about the beginning. The bank's original passbook was written by hand, followed by a passbook printer. With a passbook printer, our bank can't do it by itself.

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